Conspiracy Theories

global elite

It’s healthy to be a little bit skeptical and not simply accept everything at face value. Questioning authority is not a bad thing, in fact from this writer’s point of view, it should be a given. If we mindlessly accept all the information dished out through advertising, the news media, which feed on propaganda carefully measured out by governments and large corporate concerns, we would reduce ourselves to mindless puppets. That may be their goal, but one every individual should guard against.

There have been under stirrings for decades, perhaps centuries, about a global elite ruling class. As conspiracy theorist proclaim, this group is made up of a very few upper echelon families who control all the banking concerns, the boardrooms of Wall Street, the press, the drug companies – legal and illegal, the educational system, our food and water supplies. Essentially these families cover Corporate, Political and Academic world houses. Moving pieces around like a big game of chess, they deftly shift the power out of the control of the people and ultimately into the hands of those who want globalization. Leaving us, en masse, at the mercy of a relative few. From small local businesses like a Fayetteville tree service company to larger corporations, every aspect of life that keeps us alive is under the auspices of the global elite.

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News Media


It has long been suspected that the media, as a whole is a deceptive organization. Conspiracies have run rampant for decades, and simple common sense of the people has infiltrated the masses enough now alerting us not to believe everything we read.

Deceptive reporting was first brought to public attention when Operation Mockingbird, designed and implemented by the US Central Intelligence Agency in the early 1950s was uncovered. It was exposed as the clandestine activity of those who wanted to dictate the opinions of the subscribers of news and general media. There are those who control the media, and want to sway public opinion. As early as Operation Mockingbird it was reported that reporters within large news organizations were paid to illegitimately influence domestic and foreign thinking.

Today thanks to technology, smart companies that leverage online lead generation are able to benefit from the psyche of the masses, we are at the mercy of being manipulated more than ever. The Central Intelligence Agency of the US was at the hub of these nefarious acts, but who pulled the strings of the CIA? The theorist believes the manipulations haven’t gone away, just made to look that way – until once again the truth is rearing up in the face of the controlled media.

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Drinking Water

Having lived a good portion of my life in the US, I am very aware of the ongoing and the vast array of conversations about water. There are issues with drought, flooding, contamination, water rights and even stealing, but the conversation that many people neglect to have is the one about fluoridation. While I find myself disturbed by the fact that most people turn a blind eye to this use of fluorides in our public water systems, I am equally disturbed that municipalities do it at all.

Too often we blindly trust that our government has our best interest at the base of their decisions. Not to paint with too wide of a brush, but we all know only too well that that is not always the case. I don’t mean to sound overly cynical, but it often appears that their true interest lies in lead generation and alliances which promote their own self interests.

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Conspiracy Theories

Chemtrails-ColorsConspiracy theories abound. I’m willing to draw the conclusion that as long as there have been humans on the planet someone, somewhere mistrusted the motives of another. This hasn’t necessarily proven to be a bad thing.

To keep it within the boundaries of possible realities some of the popular conspiracy theories which have bounced around over the past two centuries are not that hard of a stretch to phantom. However, there are others that are so far left of field, it’s hard to take them seriously.

As a whole the history of the human race has proven itself as an untrustworthy lot. In this author’s mind it’s important that we question major events that affect societies around the world. If we allow ourselves to be spoon fed some of the preposterous notions that are delivered like a party bus kitchener of media would do, we are asking for trouble.

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